“There is only one truly serious philosophical question: that is suicide.”
Albert Camus - The Sisyphus Myth
CtrlAltSuppr is a Parisian Black Metal trio born in 2020. Influenced by the romantic and neo-classical music of the late 20th century, they give birth to a debut EP where Death, Prog, Jazz and polyphonic choirs blend together, creating a massive, dissonant sonic entity.
Ctrl+Alt+Del is the combination of the Control, Alternate and Delete keys. This keyboard shortcut opens the complete list of tasks and processes in progress, with the aim of being able to select applications and force their closure. This is a very useful step, even necessary in cases of emotional overload, enabling you to sort out the operations in progress that are painfully agitating your subconscious.
“The worm lies in the heart of man, and that's where you have to look for it.
This deadly game that leads from lucidity in the face of existence to escape from
the light, it must be followed and understood.”
Albert Camus - The Sisyphus Myth
Metal music comes from Rock music, Rock comes from Rythm'n'Blues, Rythm'n'Blues comes from
Blues music and Blues comes from Work Songs. CtrlAltSuppr totally shares this
musical legacy. We will always be on the side of people facing systemic oppresion. We will always
fight against any form of racism, but also ableism, classism, masculinism, and any other
discrimination. We support intersectional feminists as well as the LGBTQIA+ community and wish
to clearly state our rejection of any fascist theories as well as any ideas arising from far right circles.
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